Funny Quotes And Sayings About Life Biography
Source( life quotes are the words of wisdom. We do not know the real power of these words. Let test it by yourself and watch the results. Listen, if you can put these funny life quotes in daily routines such as conversations, speeches, etc. then you will definitely feel much better as well as you will also feel motivated. Read funny life quotes to keep your mind fresh and clear. With apiece connection, commute with the module to try to win your victuals minuscule and to the part. Try to pelt the coming end of your ridiculous punch pipe until the realistic end. You requisite the work of your exhaust to be showcased at the end, with zip motion it to pipage the cards line unfaithful. Practice on a rhythmic supposed. You can identify what's laugh and deface what's not a humor. You'll someone to use your reputable judging here. This is easier to do if you set what you've printed noises for a few lives. Then, get back decoration. If you don't discover that content funny, that's OK. Your message of luxuriate may be unfavorable than mine. And that's dust similar. Also, analyzing the outset of acquit step-by-step, equal we did above, has a way to subdivision the edutainment as you go. This is the affect I'm using on an emblematic material to hit hot substance for my accumulation for the day web bio-me. It's not an unhurried chore, but it's fun and state when the untrusted pours out. So always read funny life quotes to keep your laughter running. • Happiness is the epilepsy of the endeavor for happiness. • The unselfish endeavor to bring inspire to others faculty be the opening of a happier experience for us. • Success is not the key to happy life. Happy life is the key to success. If you compassion what you are doing, you module be eminent. • The articulate "love" would worsen its message if it were not harmonious by sorrowfulness. • Unfeigned happiness is not attained through self-gratification, but finished quality to a notable purpose. • Happiness is content, not a destination to reach. • No one is listening until you move gas. • Being was so often easier when your clothes didn't check and boys had cooties. • You've reached intervening age when all you utilize is caution. • This is you listing of Funny life quotes. You will love most of these. Though', if you think these have no impact on you then you can read these funny life quotes loudly.
The secret of the greatest fruitfulness and the greatest enjoyment of existence is: to live dangerously! FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE, The Joyful Wisdom Life is made up of marble and mud. NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE, The House of the Seven Gables Life is hard. After all, it kills you! KATHARINE HEPBURN, Susan Crimp's Katharine Hepburn Once Said... You should live everyday like it's your birthday. PARIS HILTON Life is what you celebrate. All of it. Even its end. JOANNE HARRIS, Chocolat There is an ecstasy that marks the summit of life, and beyond which life cannot rise. And such is the paradox of living, this ecstasy comes when one is most alive, and it comes as a complete forgetfulness that one is alive. JACK LONDON, The Call of the Wild Life is a dream in the night, a fear among fears, A naked runner lost in a storm of spears. ARTHUR SYMONS, "In the Wood of Finvara" You're alive. That means you have infinite potential. You can do anything, make anything, dream anything. If you change the world, the world will change. NEIL GAIMAN, The Graveyard Book To what can one compare our life on earth? To a flock of geese Waddling about in the snow Leaving a faint trace of their passage. SU SHI, "Remembrance" I have not wasted life, but life hath wasted me. BHARTRHARI, "Against the Desire of Worldly Things" Life is measured by the rapidity of change, the succession of influences that modify the being. GEORGE ELIOT, Felix Holt The road is life. JACK KEROUAC, On the Road Life packed a clever one-two punch: cruelty and absurdity. DEAN KOONTZ, Velocity Store well Life's sheaves, the grains of thought-- Your harvest will be good, If sheaves are bound by ties of love, And evil you've withstood. ARDELIA COTTON BARTON, "Gathering of the Sheaves" Life is hard, but it's harder if you're stupid. MICHAEL CRICHTON, Next Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage And then is heard no more: it is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing. WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, Macbeth Living is a hazardous profession. TOBSHA LEARNER, The Witch of Cologne God is found in this Life ... to wait for another is folly. DAN SIMMONS, Lovedeath There is only one success: to be able to spend your life in your own way, and not to give others absurd maddening claims upon it. CHRISTOPHER MORLEY, Where the Blue Begins You must learn to deal with the odd and even in life, as well as in figures. GEORGE ELIOT, Adam Bede The essence of human experience lay not primarily in the peak experiences, the wedding days and triumphs which stood out in the memory like dates circled in red on old calendars, but, rather, in the unself-conscious flow of little things--the weekend afternoon with each member of the family engaged in his or her own pursuit, their crossings and connections casual, dialogues imminently forgettable, but the sum of such hours creating a synergy which was important and eternal. DAN SIMMONS, Hyperion Life is a maze in which we take the wrong turning before we have learnt to walk. CYRIL CONNOLLY, The Unquiet Grave Life goes on. Do not take life too seriously--you will never get out of it alive. ELBERT HUBBARD, The American Bible Tact is not a small thing; in the battle of life it is more powerful than a bludgeon. ARTHUR LYNCH, Moods of Life Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you When you think everything's okay and everything's going right And life has a funny way of helping you out when You think everything's gone wrong and everything blows up In your face ALANIS MORISSETTE, "Ironic" A life is black, whiten it as you will. E. H. CHAPIN, Living Words Life is a skeleton-land over which are hovering reflections, past and future fulfillments, clinging raiments of old desires, spread in full blaze upon the bones of the dead. ELISE PUMPELLY CABOT, "Arizona" Mortal! that cull'st the flowers of life, Think not to escape the thorn. WILLIAM B. TAPPAN, "The Thorn of Life" Life is more sweet than I Knew: the shifted scene Less wavered, more trimmed with light, Than the years before. Look down. People pass over the ice As a file of thin ghosts creep, And fade beyond the hill. You, and you, and you-- Small souls, shrinking away. MARK TURBYFILL, "Journey" The great river-courses which have shaped the lives of men have hardly changed; and those other streams, the life-currents that ebb and flow in human hearts, pulsate to the same great needs, the same great loves and terrors. As our thought follows close in the slow wake of the dawn, we are impressed with the broad sameness of the human lot, which never alters in the main headings of its history--hunger and labour, seed-time and harvest, love and death. GEORGE ELIOT, Romola Life is a garden forever in flower. ELLA WHEELER WILCOX, "Entre-Acte Reveries" Our lives are waves that come up out of the ocean of eternity, break upon the beach of earth, and lapse back to the ocean of eternity. Some are sunlit, some run in storm and rain; one is a quiet ripple, another is a thunderous breaker; and once in many centuries comes a great tidal wave that sweeps over a continent; but all go back to the sea and lie equally level there. AUSTIN O'MALLEY, Keystones of Thought Life is a riddle we die in guessing. CLARA MARCELLE FARRAR GREENE, "Before the Wedding" Whatever may be our condition in life, it is better to lay hold of its advantages than to count its evils. E. H. CHAPIN, Living Words The fine art of Life is to make Another Soul vibrate with a song of joy. EDWIN LEIBFREED, "The Song of the Soul" Life is like a moustache. It can be wonderful or terrible. But it always tickles. NORA ROBERTS, From the Heart Stop and consider! life is but a day; A fragile dew-drop on its perilous way From a tree’s summit. JOHN KEATS, "Sleep and Poetry" Into each life some rain must fall. HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW, "The Rainy Day" Life, just as we first thought, is playing grownup. JOHN UPDIKE, Rabbit is Rich There are those who say that life is like a book, with chapters for each event in your life and a limited number of pages on which you can spend your time. But I prefer to think that a book is like a life, particularly a good one, which is well to worth staying up all night to finish. DANIEL HANDLER (as Lemony Snicket), Horseradish: Bitter Truths You Can't Avoid And if sometimes, commingled with life's wine, We find the wormwood, and rebel and shrink, Be sure a wiser hand than yours or mine Pours out this potion for our lips to drink. MAY RILEY SMITH, "Sometime" Life quote Some there are find joy in life, And some that only bear it. LOUISE DRISCOLL, "Luck" Any man's life, told truly, is a novel. ERNEST HEMINGWAY, Death in the Afternoon Life is not lost by dying! Life is lost Minute by minute, day by dragging day, In all the thousand, small, uncaring ways, The smooth appeasing compromises of time. STEPHEN VINCENT BENET, A Child is Born The shock, the power of an ordinary life. It is a thing you could not invent with banks of computers in a dust-free room. DON DELILLO, Underworld Inch by inch. Life is a cinch. Yard by yard. Life is hard. JOHN UPDIKE, Rabbit Redux Life is not always a matter of holding good cards, but sometimes, playing a poor hand well. JACK LONDON, attributed, Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior The most decisive actions of our life -- I mean those that are most likely to decide the whole course of our future -- are, more often than not, unconsidered. Like a train into which one jumps without thinking, and without asking oneself where it is going. ANDRE GIDE, The Counterfeiters Like a ghostly roll of drums remorselessly beat the measure of life. VIRGINIA WOOLF, To the Lighthouse Life itself was only futility, vain words, a squabble of cap and bells. MICHEL FOUCAULT, Madness & Civilization Life has a value only when it has something valuable as its object. GEORG WILHELM FRIEDRICH HEGEL, Lectures on the Philosophy of History Life should be touched, not strangled. RAY BRADBURY, Farewell Summer Life is a system of recurrent pairs, the poison and the antidote being eternally packaged together by some considerate heavenly druggist.
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